Wednesday, 24 November 2010

'Reinventing Rachel' by Alison Strobel

Reinventing Rachel; redefining God.

A young woman's devout faith is shattered when her perfect life turns to disaster. A cheating fiance, a family who lied to her and a friend she thought she could count on - Rachel Westing begins to question the character, and even existence, of God.

Twenty years of faithful obedience and church attendance – Rachel thought – qualified her for a blessed and comfortable life. When God doesn't deliver on his end of the bargain, she goes looking for something else. But, having flown half-way across the states to live with an old school-friend in an endeavour to experience a new way of life, she is met with even more heartache and trouble.

Ultimately, Rachel is challenged on whether she had ever truly grasped the message of the gospel.

Alison Strobel's language and style are fluently expressed in this gripping novel. Effortless to read, each page draws you into Rachel's world and challenges you to think about your own pereception of God and what a relationship with Him entails. Perhaps, due to the topics addressed, 'Reinventing Rachel' might appeal more to a younger readership. I'm definately looking forward to reading her next book!

"This honestly written book is a must-read for any survivor or 'churchanity'. Realistic and transparent, Rachel Westing will strike a familiar chord with anyone who's ever felt disenfranchised with contemporary 'Christian' culture." -Melody Carlson

Friday, 12 November 2010

Matthew West - The Story of Your Life

If you're looking for a unique Christian artist whose approach is personal, loving and challenging - then we've got the guy for you.

Matthew West - beautiful in voice and sincerity - has recently released his new album which is based entirely on the lives and situations of others. After asking fans to submit their stories of pain, struggles, hopes and celebrations, Matthew recieved thousands of letters from people all over the world. Dedicated to his task, he spent two months in solitude at a cabin just outside of Nashville, TN reading through each personal story. Using the inspiration he found in these pages, he went on to write 11 moving and personal songs.

This is what Matthew said about his experience:

"During those months, my eyes were opened to see the world outside my door like I had never witnessed before. It was as if a veil had been lifted, allowing me a rare look into the lives of everyday people. I read joyful stories about adoption and cancer survivors. I read heart-breaking stories of abuse and broken homes. And with every look into someone's life, something began to stir in my own"


One of our favourite songs on the album is My Own Little World, which is featured here as a video. If you only do one thing today, make sure you watch it - the lyrics are stirring and the melody is gorgeous. I guaratee you'll want to watch it again and again.

This CD, The Story of Your Life, is available now from all Quench stores at £12.99

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Praise The Lord!

'Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good;
celebrate his wonderful name with music.

Psalm 135:3

The Psalmist is full of wonder, awe and love for the living God and can't help but express his praise through beautiful poetry and music. What an awesome reminder – and challenge - this is to us; to pause for a moment in our busy schedules and take time to consider the glory of God and the goodness he has poured out into our lives. How can we not sing his praise also?

We recognise that the Christmas period will soon be upon us, and that preparations for that are already under way. We know how distracting and tiring these next two months are likely to be for most people, so we just wanted to take the time to stop – and to invite you to stop with us as we realise the importance of resting in God.

Music – as the Psalmist testifies to – can be a wonderful way of expressing our adoration to God, whether we're singing our own song or meditating on the music of others. Either way, this style of worship is incredibly valuable and we'd encourage you to really take note of its significance. This is why we felt it necessary to bring to your attention a selection of newly released CDs that we carry and would recommend for this very purpose.

Fresh & Fun

Britt Nicole & Francesca Battistelli
Acousitc & My Paper Heart
(£6.99) & (£12.99)
Click here for video Click here for video


Jeremy Camp & Brian Doerksen
We Cry Out & Level Ground
(£12.99) & (£12.99)

Click here for video Click here for video


Israel Houghton & Gaither
Love God. Love People & The Best of the Hoppers
(£12.99) & (£9.99)

Click here for video Click here for video


Third Day & Jars of Clay
Move & The Shelter
(£12.99) & (£12.99)

Click here for video Click here for video

Please do take the time to have a listen to the sample tracks by clikcing on the video links. If you like what you hear, you can reserve a copy of the CD by calling, emailing or popping into to see us.

We'd just like to finish with a verse from Adoration by Brenton Brown for reflection:

Every soul You've saved sings out
Everything You've made resounds
All creation's standing now
Lifting up Your name
We're joining in the angel's song
We're gathered to Your ancient throne
Children in our Father's arms
Shouting out Your praise

God bless you all