Anna Smith lives a life of reflection and compassion - in the midst of kids, craziness, and world tours. In Meet Mrs. Smith, Anna offers a feast of behind-the-scenes insights and a profound look at one family's quesr to foster a rich spiritual life and care for others while living well in a consumption-driven world.
Anna reminds us that God never wants us to settle for less - in life, as parents, or in our careers - but calls us to live and work with all our souls, even when life gets messy. Take Anna's words to heart and get ready to surprise the world with your gifts, your passion, and your desire to do great things for God.
Beth Redman: "I love Anna Smith, and I love reading about her story, her choices and her heart. Over the years, Anna has taught me so much about being a wife, a mum and a woman of God. I know this bold and adventurous book will inspire and encourage you in the same way".
Rachel Hughes: "Meet Mrs. Smith is engaging, funny, moving, profound, and incredibly cathartic for anyone who is part of a busy young family".
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